Having written over 600+ articles, it's hard to pick and choose. I've tried my best to include some of my work here across a variety of different skillsets.
Uses custom properties to style chats differently.
Shards a group chat so that members are assigned randomly to different shards to avoid overloading a single chat.
Adds a theme and a custom property to hide users in conversations.
Integrates the Giphy API with TalkJS to add a GIF picker to a TalkJS chat
Integrates the SneaksAPI with TalkJS to display product data inside HTMLPanels.
Changes the default TalkJS theme to hide a user having a custom property.
Implements stacks and queues in Java. Contains visual explainers to make concepts easier to understand.
Implements linked lists in Java. Contains visual explainers to make concepts easier to understand.
Walks through the deployment of a NodeJS service that uses a MySQL database on ComputeSphere
Walks through the deployment of an application on ComputeSphere